Zero Conciliation




Mi scuso ma…. alone and helpless ... I write in different personalities and associations feigning a tone or a support, thus trying to counter remote-controlled adversity .. but the results = ?

Yet eternal dreamer I am convinced that this particular seeding sooner or later something will yield

Today I was walking.. and soon I come off well as the current, the gas..e other users ... full story ...

I am heartened to know that the reader really interested, 've followed live the resignation of my new (?) Legal Azzolini Chiara and this if nothing else it saves me the trouble of s-bend

I was days and days to scan all the documents for the legal and now leaves me even before I begin positive if I do not break off the current put them on the site..

Strangely, I get a proposal Bolognini Hospital of Seriate for a fixed-term employment as a registered nurse; I deposit my resume and some time later sorry I respond that my question can not be considered because they are was fired by a Public Body (?) see Annex No. 2 )

The washing machine leaks from the radiator and brakes squeak ...



I called for the dismissal despite I am faced with a Commission Careful I can barely say 2 speech, in defense of the humble people against those who act and defines (pre) powerful I simply said that I know only truly all-powerful One but I do not know what to call it and call it, and still I believe in justice; while the office of the party although not open his mouth ( in the hall he told us that the owner was mad as hell for my writings…) before the Commission itself give me a paper to sign where I read ....After a long debate the parties not have agreed

Strange to note that the office of the company Proserin ( despite several lawyers to his addiction) is the councilor lawyer Baldassarre, who repeatedly advised me the choice of the same of the free legal aid lawyers in my various legal practices, and he tells me that I want to help (is it true? Seen the results I have serious doubts )

I continue to receive mail threat from friends of my former employer Tironi ( Councillor of the Junta Ponternica,that of Impastato plaque to speak) who claim that I apologize to him ( what then?) and it stopped attending the courts and lawyers to claim rights and listening

My exposed are directly stored,the Commissioner of Police Post Macarone reversing its claim of serious threat received our 1st meeting, He says they can not do anything to the emails that I receive and that anyway are not threats but as rightly said the Carabinieri of Villa d'Alme (he had previously harshly criticized them) are simple tips (?)

Absurd to think that the same Dr. Sonia (then to legal problems, as I reported, The doctor took over the clear ) he did not visit the savage hordes of non-EU (così le chiamava) che venivano da noi senza essere inseriti in programma a fare la Visita Medica e senza nemmeno avere i documenti di riconoscimento. Io al contrario cercavo di essere il più possibile comprensivo ed elastico ed ora ricevo dagli stessi minacce, ma l’assurdo e che difendono lo stesso Tironi (assessore leghista) che più volte in modo offensivo si rivolgeva a me, richiamandomi dicendomi che ero troppo conciliante e gentile .. “con questi animali si animali se non bestie..” vi giuro testuali parole (.. poi al sabato pomeriggio portava i suoi i figli a lavorare in ufficio come genitore modello esemplare x la Comunità ) Si sa che questi poveri extracomunitari,oltre che sfruttati vengono usati proprio dalla lega che solo in apparenza finge di combattere la clandestinità ma che in realtà poi la favorisce per usare ed abusare delle stesse persone, per generare odio (dividi ed impera) e deviare l’attenzione sulla vera mafia locale che vive di omertà falsità minacce e ..licenziamenti

Un altro genitore modello perlomeno in apparenza è il direttore della filiale della mia Banca C.C. Sorisole, Di Leo che espone nel suo ufficio una miriade di opere d’arte disegnate dai suoi figli e mentre si dice solidale al padre separato e violentato dei suoi diritti (in his own words) si meravigliava, che ogni volta mi recavo da lui per sollecitare il mutuo per pagare il mantenimento ai figli, I continued to work because he had the feeling that my new job would go wrong (?) Once you understand the hint I went to Headquarters and finally gave me permission to silent, having a salary of more than 3 months and a contract of indefinite duration.(x on this work so many absurdities tolerated) Director justified himself by saying that I have not made the contract, What false and sickening ..l'impiegato same Ruggeri, he said in astonishment = .. "because it does not change the Bank.”. I also drink to keep from drowning.. in that bank there are all my users and at a time of severe economic difficulty should I bring inevitably also patience to not go crazy pain. Va ricordato che perlomeno nel recente passato nella stessa Banca a mia insaputa c’erano depositati i soldi del risarcimento dei nostri figli ..allora se non altro mi chiamavano Signore oggi solo… merda .

Each 15 giorni mi umilio a chiedere al direttore 50 euro per mangiare; già per ben 2 volte ho visto nella sede il mio ex datore di lavoro Tironi ed una volta perfino il parroco (sua nipote ha sposato il Tironi, it is a small world) per fortuna li ho schivati, per la paura di incrociare il “grande” prelato, non vado più nemmeno a Messa

Proprio in questi giorni ho chiesto 50 euro e ho detto al direttore di portare pazienza che oltre il cercare assiduamente lavoro, I now have a new law and that soon will arrange transfer to the children that in his opinion is the biggest problem because the CC dripping . After the usual phrases fact and false ritual solidarity, Once withdrawn the money I ask the printing of the movement and see that even they are credit, given (over the 350 Euros of starting refereed the CSI) It reached the settlement not know anything about (I even came to Post still the monthly report of December) but I am equally surprised to second time without my knowledge and against my will taken off the transfer of maintenance to children .

Though my cc both credit my bank without even warning me suspends me the payment of maintenance to children; I remember that one can bE more or less agree or proptestarlo suitable place in the payment of the Retention but since it is imposed as a decree one is bound to observe it otherwise exists in a crime

Shocked I wanted to go back into the manager but I noticed that the door was locked, and maybe it was better that way, because then maybe hypocritical fake simulator conspiratorial impostor would have maybe had reported that the threatened. Meanwhile, between the walls of crystal known designs of its figli..penso the transparency and appearance..another parent model ??? model to be imitated in Italy this increasingly desolate ..of sure I am not the parent sample that do not even pay maintenance to his children with disabilities, separate, marginalized fired from the same Catholic church that uses conspiratorial separation as a excommunication against people who think differently from the jarring Them absolute truth (punctuated by the high priests Relatives real with the Power) using the magistrates Catholics, as modern courts of Holy Inquisition with a high hand bless and condemn and then with the hand atra, pretend to do Charity and to remedy the problem by their own generato..come an alloyDivide et impera ...

I have only given what little I had my children until they were minors.. and as a legacy I leave them my dignity and honesty of con-fidare or at least delude myself Believe for honesty ... and ignorance.. certainly not for the opportunities and convenience


I remain on foot…do?…pedal


Mi scuso ma…. alone and helpless ... I write in different personalities and associations feigning a tone or a support, thus trying to counter remote-controlled adversity .. but the results = zero.

Yet eternal dreamer I am convinced that this particular seeding sooner or later something will yield

Today I was walking.. and soon I come off well as the current, the gas..e other users ... full story ...

I am heartened to know that the reader really interested, has read live the resignation of my new (?) Legal Azzolini Chiara and this if nothing else it saves me the trouble of s-bend

I was days and days to scan all the documents for the legal and now leaves me even before I begin positive if I do not put them off track on the site.. WWW bonfanti

Strangely, I get a proposal Bolognini Hospital of Seriate for a fixed-term employment as a registered nurse; I deposit my resume and some time later sorry I respond that my question can not be considered because they are was fired by a Public Body (?) see Annex No. 2 ) …I wonder as well but this is legal?

The washing machine leaks from the radiator and brakes squeak . Brief consultation mechanically Locatelli Ponteranca ; It tells me that it will take 250 euro to repair it otherwise risk being on foot I ask Di Leo Director of my branch (Credito Cooperativo Sorisole Lepreno) if you can cover my expenses and provided, however, that he agrees to sign the minutes of the dismissal conciliation (?) and confers no words, ma con mandato esclusivo all’immobiliare Pianeta casa di Ponteranica la vendita del mio appartamento (valore 320.00 euro diviso in 2 unità per assistere meglio i Figli che poi non sono mai venuti a trovarmi)

Dò l’ok al meccanico. Present day (25 February) passo in Banca a prendere i soldi per ritirare la macchina ma il Direttore mi dice che ha avuto un ramanzina dal direttivo e che non mi può dare più soldi e che devo pure ritiriate l’assegno circolare che ho dato all’agenzia (Route) Aurora per l’assicurazione; impassibile rimarca dicendomi che del resto loro non sono mica la Karitas

Non poteva farmi questo discorso, già mesi fa e non prendermi in giro dicendosi fiducioso di aspettare che al momento opportuno le cose si sarebbero sistemate (?)(?)(?) For the Bank my home my "capital" is not mortgageable because they are without income , while for the separation of the brick instead Judge (although not edible) It is considered, and so I have to continue to pay maintenance to their children among other billionaires

The mechanical sorry not to be the car ... I am at the foot .... They are ground.

The syndicated via Ms. Adamo (mostly untraceable) It acts as an intermediary with the former employer for the conciliation report, after a long wait and several unsuccessful calls, He calls me and tells me that I must go to her to sign the deal (?). He hands me a sheet (see Annex)

Let's read it together and tells me that I too only now I see???? But if he was the proprietor of the negotiation??? here tells me there is already a check : I pledge. I read that we can meet with her and my former employer the other day (?) and tell her upset, we did not, give me a copy that I reflect upon before signing the document that has been stamped and signed by the holder of Proserin. I had to almost fight for me at least release the document in draft not stamped and signed that I attach here. The angry black trade unionist I answered okay because we're going in with all the risks that knows how to run . Strange statement given that it told me that the union could not afford to use the money to pay for a lawyer and workers to meet a lost cause (?) . I have nothing to lose but those 3 money miserable, and if instead the judge will listen to me what really needs to fear is someone else who is believed Almighty; their absurd criminal actions will remain written on record ... perhaps the real reason of the betrayal of my former bank I hope it was just the fact that you have not signed

The agency "Planet Home" ( of what is known so honest(?) He wants 4% both the seller as the purchaser) He has the mandate of the sale of the old mother's house, divided into 5 brothers. uninhabited 2 years with difficulty I managed to put it on the market and obtain the signature and a unit of measure in the sales price : 135 .000 Euro . The older brother who ran before renting 3 Bolivian families swapping their job of caregiver,he wanted to sell it at a price of 260.000 (?) He preferred not to even sell it to keep it in case of need for the brothers, also seen that closed the borders of the company Stoneware pipes, tomorrow is also revalued on our property ...... I agree but I'm hungry today.

I proposed the same rich brother, leading the dog to defecate on the courtyard and on the floor of the property, perhaps to ward off potential buyers, to withdraw my part, but can not hear us. Ho valutato di ritirarla io e sistemarla con il tempo ed intanto lasciare la casa attuale libera alla immediata vendita ma la ricca ed ipocrita cognata Leidi dice che prima andiamo dal notaio e solo dopo “saldati” posso entrare ….e questo in barba a quello che affermava il suo marito ex seminarista l’ha imparata bene la dottrina

Ancora non so niente del mio Procedimento penale in Cassazione (per un episodio di 11 anni fa e precisamente per la frase “ Te cope se ti azzardi ancora mettere addosso le mani al figlio ” detta alla ex coniuge che picchiava il figlio disabile di 11 anni che prendeva le mie difese) anche il mio ex legale Mafettini ( xche ha l’indirizzo di riferimento) non sa niente dia proposito e mi dice che comunque sicuramente non sarà scritto sulla fedina penale .Assurdo una contraddizione di termini sono convinto che dopo la pedofilia il reato di violenza domiciliare è la peggiore imputazione che una persona possa commettere mentre a me perché sono tanto simpatico, aspettano 13 anni e mi propongono la prescrizione che ho rifiutato in appello. Per giudicarmi ??? anche questo episodio la dice lunga sulla veridicità delle diffamazioni subite e del contenzioso senza contraddittorio .

Sono convinto che certe sentenze le tengono lunghe di proposito per distruggere le persone sgradite

Incensurato valuto perciò una mia candidatura politica per una lista civica “Sorisole insieme” e per fortuna e per “caso” sbaglio numero e telefono dopo quasi 3 anni al figlio disabile che mi dice che sta bene, continua a studiare e fare nuoto e che da poco si è impegnato in politica con la lista civica Progetto comune

Una bella notizia gli dico sono contento solo gli raccomando di non esagerare e lascio…… campo e mi ritiro ancora prima di cominciare immaginate con la situazione se mi fossi candidato nella lista che di fatto purtroppo vengo a sapere non è all’opposizione ma opposto all’opposizione strano paese il nostro Comune veramente stano

I have given and received ... just from my country who know it very well because I know I worked hard for the common good if it were not for the fact that I involve indirectly the children would write and I would circulate a poster maybe attacking on every corner of the country


For sale apartment in Via Pietro Micca 4 locations Va pensiero

top floor, beam striking view view

Asking to be able to eat and to pay maintenance to their children "age"

Fired by the hospital I can no longer participate in public competitions

Fired from Proserim said the former owner of Tironi grueling pressure of his cousin and my pastor (?) “Don” angelo Gotti

This is why I no longer even have money to buy bread

and all this untroubledness of my 4 brothers (veri dis-graziati) and in total disregard of my ever more servile to villagers the work mobster who has the apex of the dome in the Cooperative Credit Bank Lepreno Sorisole, the group Petosino Alpini and Prayer Group(?)catechumenate administrator (?) Per.. and Father Giovanni M. Sacramentino, that boasts (?) It was the personal confessor of Andr ...)


Believe me they are not at all paranoid indeed tend to hide many other things and many other abuses perhaps fortunately, I did not even realize I reluctantly

The hospital authority which it is made of men well as ruining the children they have branded me for life..this is the much-vaunted solidarity orobica only market-based and brick on health

I have submitted several applications for employment in the various shelters (and incredibly, I confess that I was also afraid because every time I went to these places called me on the phone the doctor Cristini Pierdone known all'Aribi (Association relaunch bike that has never even remotely mentioned or minimally in my travels by bike .. not so with other members, The President is a journalist Roots Eco di Bergamo ) Never an article was written on the damage suffered by my children and my family, and this is not to slander but for a sense of justice (Only recently published an article on Bergamo New attached

The same Cristini in words that seemed to want to help me ... even demanded me to do still apply for a job at the same affiliation Hospital and then he with his my knowledge he would settle, then once re-known comforts me that his "twisted" fame is well known

The medical directors of admissions are almost all former Ente hospital employees ..but sorry for me there is no place ...One of these health directors has Tiberius chief delegate room CSL, brother of two 2 disabled inmates from birth, that mafia so after a trip to Lourdes with my family then for a few months yet united, He told me to go out of coioni by its cardiology department . I was knocked to do the warehouseman in Lallio with de-mansionamento and illegal removal from the place of work ) tiberio and he went for the director of well 3 admissions

The summer of a few years ago, by a retired I.P acquaintance went to do to 3 months night surveillance in ... Black Selvino resort making assistance to the former mayor of Cremona close friend "brotherly" Andreotti (I often criticized in my writings, especially when it was hailed by the people and especially Cl, after being investigated as a mafioso) We paid the service room of a leader and the same facial maxilo insisted in paying me to give me the address of who actually organized the service and see if it was just Tiberius ... That made me so bad . ..I kept still work until the patient returned to Cremona . also interesting to know that this former mayor 3 sons all former dc and all settled well . A son is a known primary. a daughter has a law office and a pharmacist greek son is close to my country, proprio quest’ultimo è pure amico intimo del mio ex legale Maffettini e si è proprio piccolo il mondo Lo stesso ex legale mi avvisa che il nuovo presidente degli avvocati non è più Tacchini ma Baldassarre illegale del ex datore di lavoro

La moglie di Tacchini è D’Urbino il Giudice del Tribunale dei Minori che senza vista medica mi tolse la facoltà di incontrare i figli e m’impose le cure mediche da farsi proprio all’Ente Ospedaliero (grave conflitto di interessi ) proprio nel periodo della sentenza di licenziamento di 1° che vinsi nonostante il legale della CSl Baiocchi ed i vari smemorati legali succedutosi Menga Ongaro e Stocchiero . Logically refused each visit and therapy and I turned on appeal and I underwent a Visit psychiatrist who begged every disease and defamation charge was only the counterpart of the fact consider myself an exhibitionist since I had made several hunger strikes Carosella The judge replied that a poor father desperate and stripped and mistreated by all rights could not otherwise be heard. Today sorry consider that there are several workers who strike x on the roofs of their rights but no reproach them as megalomaniacs exhibitionists

I have never even 1 hour hunger strike ( real ordeal and anguish) for layoffs but only parquet I missed the children and I suffered ... I have to be ashamed of this as well ?? ora se non altro sono maggiorenni e rispettosa loro volontà seppur condizionata

Penso positivo se non sono impazzito di dolore in quel periodo… spero di aver maturato carattere ed anticorpi per far fronte alle prossime avversità

Chi volesse conferma su quello che qui scrivo consiglierei di iniziare da un semplice dettaglio: sondare la mezza capo sala o il mezzo impresario di scavi stranamente affittuari e vicini di casa così tanto per s..coprire

Intanto di-pendo dalle agenzie immobiliari a loro volta dipendenti dal potere locale che presumo mi faranno crogiolare a fuoco lento per poi svendere non solo la dimora tanto amata ma pure la dignità e l’onore ..e questo di tanta speme oggi mi resta.. intanto mi chiedo… se questo è un uomo?

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