40^ Tappa = Edimburgo. Holy Island

40^ = Stage Thursday 19 Luglio = Edimburgo. Holy Island








They are at the peak of the trip now I just have to get out and do it by pointing the Lindisfarne, this “isola santa” in inglese: Holy Island which twice a day is isolated following the tides real real real and not just symbolic tourist attractions such as the S. Michel

After the long and arduous stage I make the mistake of visiting the island with calm to gustarmela better then that only in seeking accommodation, the surprise guest hause and the hotels are full.. I have to walk back rather …pedaling.. above e high tide below rain looming… de facto…water above and below .. and this is not enough to crown the environment, however, there were even fairy seals as amused spectators…

Ormai sera, waiting for you portray all the tide I meet a cute little family, beyond the difficulty of the language we understand at once in unison so that after less than 5 'even cried from laughing so much, parents and the 3 including children and this is thanks to their youngest son even 2 years that every time I opened my mouth began to laugh out loud a bit 'as the effect of when you tickle under the armpits ... sigh!! I assume that this is also a clear indication of my poor english


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