2Chapter ° = CARE

All care.

Physicians with drugs, homeopaths with solutions, to chirurghi, with the scalpel, alternative medicine with acupuncture,gurus with hypnosis hygienists and shamans with natural medicine, even quacks with common fetishes ... treat you ... their interests but often forget a very simple fact ... is always ..... the patient who eventually care alone. It is we who consciously or unconsciously decide to want to heal medicine and doctor are the only vehicles of guidelines, to make sure that the healing is realized together with the patient's awareness. The patient is often expressed in a language simple and emotional, while many doctors instead, do exactly the opposite by using academic terms, its official medicine All patients are different, therefore, can not be considered the disease regardless of the historystaff of the patient and how he tells it. All the stories are different, therefore, there is a common language to tell her pre-. While the patient describes his symptoms at the same time reveals his imagination. The imagination thus develops a metaphor which is the same disease. Only through dialogue so you can make a complete diagnosis.17 Behind every disease there is a feeling of fear , therefore the main skill of the curator is to instill TRUST. Behind each physical therapy clinical pharmacology or there is the placebo effect, of trust in the healing presence and the intensity of which varies depending on the type of relationship that is established with the curator . The therapist in this case is decisive (sometimes more that therapy),already with the simple word can instill confidence, involving the active participation of the patient in his recovery, or vice versa, keeping on him a power incutendogli fear. The doctor can then positively or negatively influence the patient, why should "Administer" always positive thoughts The patient starting with milder disease, must learn to realize that the soil the disease is getting his body, with its "mechanisms" more or less conscious In this chapter, I talk about the The word that care , without forgetting that times to cure a simple gesture is listening a little attention I speak of the use and abuse of drugs illusory panacea for all ills Behind every care is the placebo effect. The same body if properly stimulated, for example with Endorphins generates substances that heal in a natural way. The key issue is the importance of positive messages, Thought is already producing positive healing, a dress that conditions and strengthens the character in the character ... your destiny I evaluate the various ways of understanding the health of Salutogenesis Bandura speak or rather, as he says Bertini of Salutie there are so many ways of understanding health. Can not answer the question of why Gadmer Where is he hiding health? Mention briefly the models of expectation value of the Life skills and the concept of Bandura's self-efficacy and Maccarano Loving yourself does not mean plastic surgery or pill ... for every need ... .. Challenge loyal to their limit but also acceptance thereof as a philosophy of life The importance and difficulty of Planning of health services System concept is to read up on the best thesis I have attended several conferences. Ho gradito molto sentire personalmente Royi Bindi a Bergamo per presentare il suo libro Sanità impaziente…per compensare ho intervistato pure ….un grillo parlante

When cure a person can win or lose when you are caring for a person can only win (Patch Adams)

17- Today .. sigh ..!!.. you make even medical on.line (?)


It seems that the disease has its roots at the very beginning of life, perhaps at the time of gestation same , In fact, already in the uterus the fetus receives emotional information. The baby tries to riviere the pleasure of the belly and regain that unity fetal mythology sometimes a simple line, or in a fold-best explains the science 18 The child weaned atrophies, once adult is taken from the perpetual conflict to express their needs and emotions to be satisfied, or to repress them to be accepted. Paradoxically this suffering becomes a survival mechanism Being yourself at risk of being rejected , or denied to maintain a relationship? Getting sick to force the other to take care of me ? Getting sick to have permission to be themselves in this sense, the symptom and the disease have a positive aspect. Above our heads flying over billions of viruses because they do not get sick?Doctors and nurses are in contact every day with different diseases because they do not get sick? By Claude Bernard ....disease continuously gliding over our heads, their seeds are carried by the wind, but they do not generate if the ground is not ready to receive Microbes can be one of the key causes of the disease, but alone are not enough, what breaks first is the weakest link in the chain. Often it is the symbolic part of the body that the person has not been able to express in any other way. It was established as written by Cavallier19 this symbolism, for example, may occur in breast cancer in certain women whose maternal role has been discontinued from the start of the children for college or simply for their greater autonomy and detachment ... It may happen that the child in an unconscious process to implement a process of health . often hit the same organ, the same side, at the same age or in the same moment of life. The temptation to attribute inheritance or fatality is great. Hereditary factors are, but also the pattern of psychological functioning has its role ... It may be that the individual has decided to be affected by the same disease his father, in a process of symbolic identification. D'latro song in patients suffering from incurable diseases are frequently seen their side "suicide" passive. They are people whose liability is not index solution to the problem. In the course of therapy often emerges that they wished to die, they felt hopeless and have seen death as the only solution precautions ——— 18 Plato's Symposium (191 ss) explains that human beings go in search of the Other,because seeking justice, the wisdom and the wisdom of the beautiful and the good and shun the bad pain suffering. In the beginning the human being was a sphere, man and woman into one being androgen, very powerful. Zeus afraid divided into two human beings, it separated into male and female and put it in the human person the endless yearning of the other and in what it represented: the beautiful, the good, wisdom strength Humanity re-look basically the knowledge and health in profound nostalgia for this lost fullness 119 FJPaul-Cavalleir in Manual Viewing page 35 an interesting theory logic to be evaluated with caution

The somatization Everything that happens in our body affects our mind and our emotions When we suffer anguish we are stressed, our thoughts alter, just as, conversely when we are calm and we relax the body tries pleasurable sensations. Every emotion has lived impact on the biological system on breathing on cardiac rhythm, on the production of hormones, etc. ... one of the controllable factors of this report psychosomatic body spirit is our ability to cope with life, does not matter what we live but how we live it All we broke away from the umbilical cord, grow in we had to lose something, break away from people and places dear. The fact that some people remain in good health depends on their ability to cope with the situation ...the evidence .... Levi after the observation made by interned in a concentration camp said that only those who survived could to give meaning to their suffering their discomfort with their grief and try Every bonding implies a separation at the time you will need to accept the trauma wounds careless risk of recurrence American researchers 20have found that often their cancer patients were preceded by a loss or bereavement important to have a good health it is not enough to live at a certain level or do not meet microbes . the Western world is by far the most protected the more affluent and yet the hospitals are full . The disease needs a fertile ground to develop an immune system that is insufficient. When a being is in a state of distress that his whole body suffers discomfort, reflection of the immune system and disease by symmetry and health depend on many other factors can not be controlled by us but begin to change our mental attitude. A philosophy of life, harmony against the stress caused by adaptation to changes of events. When our mind is confused and incoherent the only way out will be a symptom : the disease affects as well as signal against the feeling of helplessness or hopelessness blocking the body's defenses.. That purpose .... to defend the body of someone who no longer wants to live20 Carl Simonton e Stèphanie cure against all



Each drug is potentially toxic. In ancient greek word pharmakon , means precisely poison 21 And 'the right dose that distinguishes the pharmacological action from the toxic Many drugs can interact with each other by enhancing the beneficial effects but also those unwanted generating toxic side effects All medicines damage, while not always sure of their real benefit The same ticket instruction = is called Bugiardino The consumption of drugs is widespread today. Often they are used without a real need, this should not be forgotten, however, the great utility of most marketed drugs. The patient should make the doctor's instructions and warn in case of side effects The intake of drugs in quantities exceeding the limitation in time and extended, can alter consciousness and mood The abuse of drugs is becoming a social problem not indifferent , in our societies "Civilized" This applies in particular to abuse employees and managers, due to the very high level of efficiency and dynamism required by companies. The obsessive pursuit of performance, maximum efficiency ends up forcing people to resort to medication, to always be able to deal with the daily difficulties successfully. The medicines are then used in an improper way to stimulate mental activity, increase the concentration and decrease the hours of sleep, but long-term habituation, dependence and the usual combination of stimulants, with other substances (example alcohol) create unwanted side effects and suffering serious damage to the whole body co-tight in a circle vizioso.La culture negative even in challenging sports performance. Addressing its limit not as healthy challenge but as mania and frenzy of omnipotence competitive end in itself In defense of "poor health" it must be said that it is often the patient who wants,indeed expect the drug to the doctor. The doctor who rejects him is considered, callous or cynical. As absurd as the good specialist who does not pay instead,for this is "discredited" People are just strange . Sometimes the disease can become a "permission" to enjoy a little rest and so you have to get sick,or even a label for people who like to be the center of attention Metonymy22 drug They are powerful subliminal messages that arrive unconscious. Dr. Always In his book, terapia verbal (the 31) describes how certain messages are like frame advertising which in the past could be seen in the movies, for only a fraction of a second. Even if you do not perceive the person immediately after the film had glimpsed want the object. A publicity stunt. Similarly, the name of the drugs might work in the same "hidden" way, since the name of the drug is often inherent in the pathology of the patient. Valium (tu pick) Aspirin is depressed by the (tu aspiri) is to be affected. Froben( far bene) from you as anti-inflammatory Uniplus ( a can in most) sedatol.. Lipobai (hello) Paxil .. pace .. bene ECC. False illusions all promise cures, but no one owns the wand or magic recipe. Stressed on the run delegate our health to the physician, and expect the same quick response to every solution . Lifestyles incorrect often encouraged by a bad education and information, for this we are always ready to project our faults on System Market. With the recent anti-smoking law was passed by the paradox State monopoly of cigarettes (State sells death) to advertise in huge letters : smoking kills But even when the company admits his faults, the heavy smokers instead of "redemption" for the misconduct staff, sue companies, guilty of having made them sick of lung cancer ... Everything to have the empty feeling of never being responsible23 and obtain a false illusion of easy answers, false because there are no easy answers. (Allegaton ° 3) There is no pill that enables us to find ourselves re-…….………………


21In a conference on smart drugs ... clean ones a famous American psychotherapist (colleague and friend of Porf Barbetta) , stated that Farmacon means at the same time: poison and cure. In the middle he says there is knowledge, dangerous if you do not know manage Discuss the importance of psychoanalysis that acts on neurotransmitters and relies heavily on the belief of wanting to heal I intervene commenting: Heraclitus already stated ... "In your character is your destiny" and then ask him if clean for drugs, means that are to be considered as smart bombs ? Are targeted to the autonomy of the patient or to their full dependence? In the sense that it is more scarce and more benefit because it involves the ability to react and active participation of the patient; while more powerful it is more addictive answers me in English and looks at me thinking I suppose happy to have in front of an expert or at least a colleague. I laugh, I laugh and then I still laugh to myself . Thinking that just a few months before, I had to clean the shit as a laborer on a pig and now with the face of idiot who distinguishes me so much when I want to make a serious person and committed, with an archaic smile, almost stupid, I understand that I am here: not much english, but that life is indeed beautiful ... wonderful, when you have the courage to live it in spite of all this courage I was taught my 3 children in particular, the twins say that madness is an inherited disease and you take from the children


22Metonymy consists in the replacement of a term with another, with which it relates: the cause for the effect, the effect for the cause, matter for the object, the container for the content, the tool instead of the person, the abstract to the concrete, the concrete to the abstract, the symbol for the thing symbolized


23So for the scam Vanna Marchi Thousands of people have paid considerable sums of money to destitute of scoundrels quacks, and now claim to be compensated and treated by the medical officer who had denied



The Placebo inert substance, is generally used in medicine as a control of the effectiveness of an active compound, but often has more benefits of the drug. The so-called “placebo effect”, ie an improvement, at least temporary, of the general conditions, according to some theories that would be determined by the patient's trust in the care; always on the basis of these hypotheses, this confidence could be expressed at physiological levels by the release of brain chemicals, called endorphins or natural opiates. In order to work there must be the utmost confidence in the medical. There are patients who just a simple visit to make them feel better ... the doctor who fails to exercise a placebo effect on his patients should do the pathologist or the anesthesiologist ... in other words if the patient does not feel better populates visit, you were wrong specialization24 Faith in the placebo is beneficial for both the physician and the patient, as faith in religion for the priest and for the penitent. The critical spirit is in a subversive and blasphemous in the atrium There are 3 possible explanations in the connection established between care and healing 1 care has actually had a beneficial effect 2 refers to the very nature the tendency to spontaneous improvement and healing that would have occurred naturally in the absence of treatment25 3 explanation of the benefits derived therapy is the placebo effect 26 (from Latin like me =) due to psychological conditioning In 1959 (today would not be accepted by ethics committees) a trial was conducted on the results obtained with mammary artery ligation in the treatment of angina pecotris Patients were advised that they were part of a group of experimental. The 50 % of patients who unknowingly,only did the cutting of the skin without ligation of the,said they felt much better and had improved their physical performance ——— 24Peter Skara Banek into Follie e Inganni della medicina (the 17) 25 the vis naturae medicatrix has been a staunch ally of the medical profession to exercise an ally without titles but able to provide great help Doctors often are attributed to the ability to heal ills that the human body cure itself 26Some of my colleagues nicknamed "placebo" for my drug resistance ... as nurses often to avoid side effects, I used to administer the drug to the need, placebo, getting more benefits, the whole thing was about how the proponevi Maybe I'm a bad example for this? Better to instill the culture of drug dependence? I was always taught that : prevention is better than cure Drugs are a great invention but they have side effects and often lead inexorably dependence and addiction is the recent discussion of putting those children receiving too many lively calming Unheard would like children on a wheelchair, so ... do not move .. do not disturb ...?

2.2 MIRACLES 27 ?

Many people also prominent, are convinced that the disease is in relation to sin The day 11 April 97 monsignor Xavier Acheveria the powerful organization OPUS DEI said : parents are impure handicapped children No comments to a poor miserable true ....?.... And the death of innocent babies ?Cancer of cloistered nuns ?

Maybe instead soon you will find that the same powerful (laughable) o miserabile (because human) Opus Dei has doctors on its payroll willing to generate ad-hoc disabled to combat unemployment or people out of tune ? (Allegaton # 16) Blindly believe in miracles is an offense to God (miracle as its repair?) Voltaire 28 says ... If a man does not feel the open firmament wonder why should impress in front of miracles?? God can not be unjust or capricious to choose who to save or punish those who believe that a god How good and generous acting on choices and exclusions perhaps through friars bleeding Create an immense cosmos and then works through a plaster Madonna crying blood ...male29 If God was good and right should be at work all the time but with what priority ?? and.. because to kill children to save and miracolare old ... and then what is the cause of healing, atheists or believers of other religions?? Sadly, the church30 we browse on these things, often distorting the doctrine of Christ *Papa Leone x candidly confess Hisotria document quantum fable us iuvasse island Christ You have to believe in something even if only because of the scarcity of the human person. In all of us there is a valid reason (conscio the inconscio) to believe. X ensure moral values X ingraziarsi la natura X sense of fear of the unknown X X sublimate impulses satisfy repressed desires . X consciousness of the infinite .. or a idea of ​​perfection and greatness ,often disproportionate unhealthy and dangerous because it hides the vainglory , swagger swagger the delusions of grandeur and finally the risk of 'self-congratulation by lavish ceremonies .... then every occasion is good.. ————— 27Reflections on the text of the mathematician impertinent oddifredi

28Voltaire criticized the superstition and fanaticism of some churches, in defense of a natural religion based on the reason why

29Now we no longer speak of the Madonna of Civitavecchia . A city with high% unemployment (years before coming to the TV news for violence and pedophilia, but no remembers?) Interviewed:about the "miracle of the mayor said : Cultivate the idea of ​​building a shrine around the virgin Today there is great attention to the cult of Mary, is a collective movement of mass that can not be ignored . There is nothing outrageous to think a great bussines a sort of Lourdes of Lazio So I set aside money, parties are aware of the agency must be rapid even for agricultural development in Lazio supports us in this project 30A church with its essential dogmas of perfection and certainty has plundered They have become all things to all Christian celebrations for example.. the Jewish Passover native pagan Binding of Christianity with the sun is certainly not accidental. In the winter solstice, the church celebrates the birth and John S. In the summer solstice instead celebrates another John . Nell 'spring equinox the enunciation and the conception of the Virgin Mary In English Sunday is still Sunday = day of the Sun 12 the Apostles as the patriarchs of the tribes of Israel ... obvious reference to 12 The monstrance constellations keeps the sun's rays, and replaces it with the host the solar disk of the ancient Egyptians. The Eucharist was already present in the cult of Osiris, etc. ... So we "Christians" do not discover anything….nothing new under the sun


According to Dr. Mereu the patient care alone fundamental is the verbal therapy. Medicine is a vehicle, while the doctor is a guide, so that physical healing, is carried out together with the awareness and the evolution of the patient. The disease is an expression that does nothing but reveal in a metaphoric way emotional experience that led to the disease itself. Using tools like the analogy, and the metaphor translate the patient what his unconscious wish to communicate. My starting point is exactly the expression used by the patient's verbal and physical. In essa, in addition to the emotional significance taken individually, also seek a collective meaning Referring to the concept of the collective unconscious discovered by Jung in scorso.La century terminology used to express the conditions in the official medicine, negates the effectiveness and validity of the “patientese” which is instead a collective language and emotional. Many doctors truncate the patient's speech when it blooms its pains and symptoms with those adjectives and expressions that, instead, are very important for me. I always ask the patient to describe his illness as if it were an illiterate. I think there are no diseases, but “disease”. It is nothing more than the expression of an affliction of the patient which is manifested in a different way, both in language and in its physical expression. The condition that a given disease is relentlessly chronic, does nothing but confirm, the unconscious of the patient, its chronicity. While, if the patient does not think more could also heal spontaneously. And, if the analysis and testing to be undergone by the patients did not serve other than to confirm their, through fear – feeling origin of the disease itself – chronicity of it? Thanks to TERAPIA VERBAL 31 clarifies the mechanisms in which we are trapped. The disease is expressed in metaphorical language associated with a relationship problem. Every disease expresses a constraint that prevents the free relationship between individuals. You get sick from lack of healthy love. ———- 31Mirella Santamato “The invisible trap” and “The secret of life”, texts in great harmony with the therapy VerbaleLa best therapy is the one that follows the 3 parameters :● act as fast as possible, ● can ● be less traumatic to be the least expensive


● highly interdependent work activities

● coordination between different professionals

● high degree of specialization

● professionals who show loyalty to the organization that first category

● little organizational control of the doctors who decide expenditures and activities

● Double command line = coordination problems transparency and confusion ● roles of these factors are often present simultaneously in the "cages" of professional specializations and make it difficult for a systemic analysis is added then the services of 1st 2nd 3rd level

Complexity and particularity of the health system The health system is highly complex = amount of units (a complexus) of heterogeneous tissue interactions ( actions made determinations feedback ) inseparable and randomness ( uncertainty, ambiguity) within highly organized systems that tend to self-organize to achieve with x fairness of purposes (results) Systems theory defines system: a set of interrelated elements that interact x to an end (glue) common Under the complex systems ۞ Health System: 1. The health care system overall dominant Culture 2. The social and health services interventions Decisions descend into the health system 3. The relationship between the citizen / healthcare Person brings all the features of complex systems functioning well : ● active role negotiation between actors ● ● ideal solidarity sustainable development ۞ What is the health care system ? It is a complex system in crisis: 1. Demographic trends > elderly population > chronic disease > healthcare needs 2. Technological progress > considerable expenditure 3. Improvements culture > expectations > medical checks. The culture affects the health needs ۞ Evolutionary trends in response Corporatization, hierarchical organization, business economics sharing health spending (Tichets) specialized services ↔ tool rationing of demand ( citizen awareness) empowerment of the individual = change lifestyles Curve : cost demand / supply > application < cost Nb. the market does not hear it stimulates the offer Risk = ● excessive focus on cost / income vulgar entrepreneurship depersonalization assistance ● illusion to solve problems in a complex system you manage not solve ● Monopoly political (General Manager appointed by the Governor ) and incorrect information Characteristics of health compared to other organizations: ● difficult to define and measure the results variable and complex work ● ● ● urgent work must not be delayed and reduced error tolerance for ambiguity

4. Salutogenesis

Essential Points x the theory .. theoretical frame of reference

● The primary dependent variable in health research, is made up of health systems included in their socio cultural political physical.

● Awareness of complexity that refers to the interdependence cooperation: common goals

●. Priorities of credible men on the board carefully and cultural aspects of the method

●. Reflection on the correct procedures(practice mode) (define problems) (define the objectives) (interventions)

● Awareness awareness and appropriately manage the knowledge

●. Proper communication no ambiguity of words

● The activities of the aims change improvement : action research

● New vision of the world in a new science and less fragmented than the traditional art, of religion and science to a new acquaintance a new humanization.

● Do not exceed the opposite with individual attention in doing good = demeans the autonomy of patients

Decide and act = problem → ↔ ↔ intervention goal ↔ change

Promote changes improvement is difficult due to the complexity of the system, for the constraint of cost containment for the resistance to change of the professionals, for autonomy, For jealousy and self-interest influences of political persons of great responsibility that have the power of decision on the programs adopted

Coordination with other disciplines from the medical model to the bio-psycho-social

Health Promotion(Allegaton # 17) The National Health Plan ( 94/96) there is a clear move towards a pluralistic health care system really ... besides giving a positive view of health, involves different subjects in order to build a network of support and involvement and participation of citizens ● Valencia systemic financial statements expressed by the bio-psycho-socilae with life skills ● Switching from pathogenesis to salutogenesis as suction both theoretical and practical The same former Minister (98/00) has haunted the primary objective of promoting lifestyle before actually investing on diseases Salutogenesis heuristic perspective as opposed to the more traditional pathogenesis . The value of the word is often exemplified with the placebo effect and the need to insist,as it were, the health clinic rather than on the study of the disease .... Think health Paride Braimbanti page 91 They express this concept : MaccaranoTrue or false prevention? Hypothesis ... we're on the structure of participation "and not on the structure of energy …. BanduraSelf-efficacy.. men's health in their hands and not those of doctors a beneficial social technology is not a commercial product, on the contrary the treatment with drugs , that are easy to prescribe, require little effort and feed their advantageous production through use and repeated purchases (1998 p.642) the quality of health of a nation is not only a social and personal. Requires a strong commitment to flush consolidated harmful practices and to remove obstacles erected by the legislators often manipulated by industry lobbyists often through corruption of politicians (ibidem P 104)

Health Publica-centered approach to population
2.2 LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS (ANNEX # 17) World Health Organization (WHO) (1993) They are the combination of personal and relational skills that help govern relations with Others. , “Social and relational skills that allow you to deal effectively with everyday life and positive, by relating to trust yourself, with others and with the community”, Skills that you need to learn to deal with problems, the pressures and stresses of everyday life. The lack of such social-emotional skills can cause, particularly in young, the onset of negative behaviors and risk in response to stress”. The “central part ” sono delle life skill:

01. Self-consciousness Ability to read within themselves: learn about themselves, its character, their own needs and desires, its weaknesses and its strengths; is the indispensable condition for stress management, effective communication, the positive interpersonal relationships and empathy;

02. MANAGEMENT OF EMOTIONS Ability to recognize their own emotions and those of others: “be aware of how emotions influence behavior” so “able to manage them in an appropriate manner”and to adjust them properly;

03. STRESS MANAGEMENT Ability to govern tensions: able to know and control the sources of tension “either by changes in the environment or in lifestyle, and through the ability to relax”;

04. CRITICAL SENSE Ability to analyze and assess situations: knowing how to “analyze information and experiences in an objective way, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, in order to arrive at a more informed decision”, recognizing and evaluating “the different factors that influence attitudes and behavior, such as peer pressure and the influence of mass media”;

05 DECISION MAKING Ability to make decisions: able to make informed decisions and constructive “in different situations and contexts of life”; know how to elaborate “an active decision-making can have positive implications on health through an assessment of the various options and the consequences they entail”;

06 PROBLEM SOLVING Ability to solve problems: know how to address and resolve the various problems in a constructive way that “if left unresolved, can cause mental stress and physical tension”;

07 CREATIVITY Ability to sink in a flexible manner every kind of situation: know how to find solutions and ideas, competence “contributes both to decision making that problem solving, explore the possible alternatives and the consequences of different options”;

08 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Ability to express themselves: able to express ourselves in any particular situation both verbal and non-verbal “in an effective and appropriate to their own culture”, declaring “opinions and wishes, but also the needs and feelings, listening attentively to others to understand, asking, if necessary, help;

09 EMPATHY Ability to understand others: ability to understand and listen to others, identifying with their “even in unfamiliar situations”, accepting and understanding them and improving social relations “especially in relation to ethnic and cultural diversity”;

10 SKILL FOR INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Ability to interact and relate to others in a positive way (: know how to relate constructively with others, “know how to create and maintain meaningful relationships” but also “be able to interrupt the relationships in a constructive way”

Where is he hiding health ?

The concept of well-being is tied to a subjective experience, therefore can not be assessed in an objective manner. The normality instead adheres to a concept of value, and hence expresses or less in accordance with the cultural and social structure.

The concept of well-being, therefore, refers to different disciplines, such as medicine (health), the philosophy (Wellness), cultural anthropology and sociology (normality).

The hermeneutic approach of Gadamer, describes the problem of the definition of health in a broader discourse concerning the reflection of man on their condition and on the role and limits of science in this topic.The health refers to the idea of ​​unity, a global vision of man In this sense, the medical science, that in the vein of modern science has disrupted the knowledge in a variety of specializations designed the study and treatment of diseases, seems inadequate to address the issue of health Health, then, seems to hide: “it is not possible to measure the health because it represents a state of intrinsic adequacy and at peace with oneself, that can not be exceeded by any other type of control”. Any attempt to measure and every proposal for standardization of values ​​acts to quantify the welfare assume the meaning of a misreading of the very idea of ​​health as, being the result of conventions, move away from the very essence of nature. It must, then, think of health in a different light: health as a condition unaware that in the very act of losing (as is the case for the balance) testifies to his inseparable presence in our state (natural) men. It is the “rhythm of life, a continuous process in which the balance is restored always”.But, then, if you can not measure it, you can try to describe it as we perceive it:” as a kind of sense of well-being and even more when, in the presence of such a feeling, we are enterprising, open to knowledge, forget all about us and almost did not feel the strain and effort”: then health not as a mere ” feel good”, but as a “occur , a being in the world, a being together with other people and be actively employed and joyfully from the particular tasks of life”
5. Philosophical counseling

The complessità32 has become one of the fundamental categories of our time, the social life of the civil society politics often are reduced to a confused and convulsive gasp interactive. As richer materially, we are increasingly confused and uncertain suffering, because I do not always find points of reference in the traditions or our religious faith, increasingly "crowded out." This is why many people turn to philosophical counseling, as a therapy for the soul Born in Germany as a philosophical practice (Philosophical practice) the spiritual father was Achenbach Praxis practice and that is to lower academic philosophy in everyday Some scholars criticize it because it is born ... just to put to a degree otherwise unproductive ... to give a source of employment to the growing number of students graduating in philosophy ... and not just to give response to . Investing in culture in knowledge and knowledge is a good antidote for all evil Farsi a philosophy of life find meaning even if it is, a sense, however, the same research. In being sick is not the drug that improves the external factors, better understand and change our attitude towards them . Knowing how to drawn lessons from the experiences that we have lived (Allegaton # 15) The drugs (if not harmful) only temporarily away the malaise, also do not affect the outside world (caposala is sadistic) The philosophical counseling teaches you to recognize the problem and helps to deal with them The idea that every problem is a mental illness, è lei stessa in pratica una malattia, Because of recklessness, curable in the first place with reflection. Give meaning. If there is no meaning until it works on the principle that there is always a right thing to do , the goal becomes to locate it and get it in a senseless world, look for one reason or more concretely alleviate the suffering becomes already perceived as a source of meaning If life is an absurd accident, the more numerous are reasons to appreciate. Aware that we are perpetually conditioned by various subliminal messages, and that the mood can have an impact on the chemistry of our brain already occur it is fortunate the only way to do justice to.. If there is a ...God is to live life to the fullest In very severe disease depends on the therapy, but also very attitude, in the disposition of their forces and conviction. He who has a purpose has more chance of winning the battle. The civilization becomes more therapeutic or better to say terapeutizzata. The good thing too, it is healthier to live their lives, instead of digging in search of his roots. A forza di scavare si crea una spaccatura…in this way the plant even more robust, will stand or thrive.. how much you care to spend the ... life is not a disease When you come to the end ... all that remains is best .. if you got worse because I had hit rock bottom yet ninth Philosophical counseling often recalls the teachings of the Dalai Lama's suffering as everything has its opposite is just a matter of waiting as well 33 , unnecessary run to meet , but it is as well not be aware of harmful only to be displaced 34 he who conquers others is powerful .. but he who conquers himself is wise

"The carpenters Foggia wood; The frecceri Foggia arrows; the wise shape itself. " -Buddha-

As a practical philosopher Buddha has always refused to speculate about the existence of God,on whether or not the other world.The his teachings relieve human suffering by means calm .... human ———- 32It is familiar to all the image of the butterfly , with its wing-beat equator, can produce a devastating hurricane in North America . With this paradox apparante we may well symbolize the complexity and the inability to master the human reality 33A young mother desperate for the death of her child turns to the Buddha.- The Buddha advised her to go to every house in the village and lend him a seed from every family who has not known at least one mourning and bring him all the seeds. then take them to him

34Once the body was exposed in the room beautiful . Today, on the contrary all our energies seem directed just to keep the idea of ​​death is far away .. then the result will show


The social factors are important in the development of a person more or less healthy, this requires a systemic disease. Some proponents even claim dell'antipsichiatria: that mental illness is a healthy reaction to a sick society Without falling into extreme paradoxes, you certainly can not deny that need a different approach ..... Need to analyze the nature of man in a different view, as it does for example THE SCHOOL HERMENEUTICS, which assesses the nature of man in a broader perspective, compared to the theory of medical paradigm. The study of philosophy of medicine is not just academic, but covers an important role, in seeking solutions to health problems of contemporary society, because : …the patient is more of a clock failure The man nobody denies that it is a biological organism, but it is also something more, as well as medicine is not only a branch of natural science. For example, we all know what it means fear = Elementary mechanism of defense The irrational fear is called : anxiety, that often impairs social life. A common problem for psychiatry, but also from the philosophical point of view, that defines this state of excessive anxiety, with the term = Angast The anxiety of a man indicates that he is trying to re-give or make sense of an event and therefore is not only a biological dysfunction or inappropriate behavior, the drug in this case becomes harmful because it prohibits to resolve the issue Kierkegaard, and Heidegger are known philosophers of the Continental tradition (non Naturalist) following: a hermeneutic approach ( art of interpretation) to the solution of medical problems The ANXIETY IS A STATE MENTAL FUNDAMENTAL This school hermeneutics the anxiety is not a pathological symptom, but a state of mind can not be eliminated If your doctor none there is a man completely healthy35 , so for kierkegard there is no man who does not know a state of anxiety about the important issues of life There are attributes constituents: for example a cup = be the quarry There are attributes quota: for example a cup = be the glass The elimination of attributes quotas has no importance, while the elimination of constituents attributes of an object or a phenomenon, because without those attributes, ceases its membership in that particular genre Attributes constituents of man The anguish melancholy despair attributes are constituents of man, without them ceases to be, because it lacks the quality constituent of human nature for the two philosophers are important empirical studies that consider man as a biological being and social, because of the situation in which it is located to be. For Hedigher even anxiety is a state that allows privileged access to self- , as it is for the adrenaline esmpio for other somatic functions. For kiekegard instead man is more of a synthesis, biological and social, as a self-reflective and. Man is spirit, but what is the spirit? The spirit is the 'I', but what is the 'I'? Something you put into relationship with himself ... The man as a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, the temporal and the eternal, of possibility and necessity, etc. .... a synthesis between two elements ... with himself and with the Other. Apart from the spirit and I, there is the personality, that differentiates man from a car, or the synthesis of single mental or physical body. If it were not for these elements, the man would not be different from animals. Most self-knowledge makes man freer and more conscious and more determined in their choices. Anyone who makes a choice between two different factors, make a wish and must be able to represent the possible developments Therefore, it is important to distinguish the feelings ( mental phenomena are : fear ) from the ground states 36

This shows how the philosophical problems have practical consequences People who suffer from anxiety state should not be treated only from the standpoint of medical help but self-reflection. They are free to choose, choose even if they decide not to deal with their problems, or taking drugs to solve them ... in this case the person has chosen the unreal because he refused to give his answers to the problems of existence

With the conception of nature (mechanical) man, proves to be a huge trade of drugs used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but that does not remove the real cause of the disorder. In this case the medical therapies are partly integrity violations of the patient. The nature of the problem determines the choice of method : a scientist knows how to measure kidney function but can not speak with one kidney not only has the objective truth but also the subjectivity that is associated with the ego and varies from person to person37 The man is a synthesis of soul body disorganization and spirit on the one hand is affected as well the other, the characters that comprise the 'man as a person (anxiety freedom understanding) can not be analyzed if it considers the whole perspective of human nature —— 35A healthy man is a man not sufficiently studied 36A ground state is related to our understanding and interpretation of the world. The man is a living organism that responds to external stimuli, as a human being continues to interpret the meaning of the world that is in front of , with subjectivity 37kierkegard distinguishes between objective and subjective reflection, those who seek care only about the objective truth of reality independent of the subject. Those who reflect subjectively can not separate the object from the subject, because the subjective truth about the relationship between these two elements . The objective truth is sought by methods of natural science, while that with subjective ones hermeneutic, that is, with reflection and interpretation. The importance of subjective truth is well known in the asymptomatic patient. The nature of the problem determines the choice of method.


Life is made of choices preference interview Sig. Bindi and Jiminy Cricket In my paper I had to choose if to emphasize his encounters with some famous people or otherwise give more space to the people of "My local", both things are important no denying, report an interview with a person known to the media and to emphasize thickness to any work, At the same time, however, more research, more in my daily life, is more adapted to the objectives I have set from the beginning. For this reason I decided to make only a brief mention of his meetings with the persons in question. Citing still part of the set of questions, I posed to them, as a point of reflection. Develop the elaborate otherwise I would take too much space and time I chose to meet a politician (even former Minister of Health) and to compensate and alleviate the setting,also meet a famous comedian (world-renowned not exaggerating) To balance ... all real stars : I chose some of my countrymen to meet the Sig. Bindi and a Talking Cricket piùche not for megalomania but only to compensate for my product, between the formal and institutional knowledge-the knowledge of my more down to earth lived; in fact their interview by weight and emphasize logical, to my true intent: give relief to those experiences a little out of the "common", just because people lived by simple, just ... comini dropping my "you know professor" in my "Known local"..


To read up on the best thesis I have attended several conferences. Among them is the lady Royi Bindi came to Bergamo to present his book Health Impatient. The Honourable (in all senses) is a person who I admire very much; for the occasion I had the pleasure of hearing before exposing, and then the honor to do with her, a pleasant chat. Useless to deny it gave a jolt to health to the Barons .. (not all lofty virtuous chief luminaries) that calve interests and works and people. It would be simplistic, however, remember it only for the reform "exclusivity of relationship” “Passionaria " A classic by now his defense of Public Health vs. Private Health (in media veritas) and his campaign for a sustainable medicine that is not achievable illusory promise eternal life, and the idiocy of perfection ...

A medicine ... and beyond.. other METHOD’ =Interview more email

Regarding Health, She represents those who have defended and still defends the public health against the so-called “Lombard model”. Private and State is the only alternative?

In the meetings (Dialogues in the city?) ..ACLI of Bergamo, where she was welcomed guest, recently there has been talk of the paradox of an economy without limit? The rapporteur Zamagni said that capitalism is slipped into a terminal crisis. The answers neosttaliste or neo-liberals do not hold up in the face of new emergencies: the identity conflicts and discrimination, related to meritocracy only lead to marginalization and the person is recognized only in relation to efficiency . Only those who produce is active?

Always Zamagni instead, criticizing neoliberalism and neostatalismo quoted the paradox of happiness: Happiness is given by relational goods and non-material . The problem is not in decline but in the change of goods . We need more relational goods and less tangible. Happiness is in fact related to interpersonal relationships. Application of the principle of fraternity , In fact, modernity has been played on the free and just society; this is not enough now more than ever needs a fraternal society ... only utopia??

The sociologist Bonomi remembered as the critical step between the peasant and industrial societies were born solidarity networks, mutual cooperatives etc.. so today must be born of a consciousness of place to put a limit to the economy . But what if there is a deterritorialization ? The non-places also occur in the field of health ?

Always the sociologist said that the problem of the limit, lies in the fact that first reasoned of a company with scarce means and for certain, today it is talked about a company with means and ends abbandonanti uncertain. You as a Catholic disagrees with this analysis?

She says that if he had not chosen the policy would have chosen the religious career, What do you mean by this term? Don Ciotti at a recent conference in Bergamo said that solidarity is not to teach it, but it demonstrates that politics and (with a capital P) is the highest value because it stands for service?

In addition to Alias ​​"the Passionaria" has gone down in history as the lady of the reform "exclusivity of relationship" ... to you how you would like to be remembered?

The family is a subject very dear to you (the 152), so precise in detail,because it does not mention the festering wound of the conflicts in separations? (Prosecutors often for business) The right and duty of both parents in educating their children?

As Catholic She often said that life is a gift. What do you think, people who want to have a child at all costs? And what do you think of assisted reproduction? (the 100)

She also says that faith is not a gift but a search but how can an almighty and merciful God does not grant all this precious gift ?

Faith can have a placebo effect?

The Holy Father has refused hospitalization, preferring to die in her room . A choice to be respected and not to be interpreted, but I humbly ask no hint of criticism or judgment do you think of aggressive therapy?

We are mortal and that she herself points out in his book and draws, the culture of the finiteness, but with the department Hospice (the 94) do not risk alienating from our homes the actual experience of death, between the latro already disproportionately lived in a virtual?

Pasteur believed that the bacterium responsible for the disease is. Bernard on the contrary ricalcava more responsibility of the pathogen in the soil. He won because Pasteur supported by academics as they always know where the truth is known? Yet, on his deathbed, he changed his mind ? The absolute dogma in religion, is always a source of true limited?

She says:This medicine is a great resource but it is said that all companies offer both useful and necessary( pag114) What do you think of Metonymy drug? Powerful subliminal messages that arrive unconscious? Valium (tu pick) Froben( far bene) uniplus sedatol ecc

Too centralize the patient is likely to make hypochondriac? Always close to you (the 109-pag165) tutor patrons etc... and a little immature?

In his book mentions Illich (the 165) What do you think of the medical nemesis?

Recurrences . Beyond the salutes (apparently back in fashion) with the same devolución not likely to go back to before Garibaldi? How would you define health?

Privatization we will tax even the air? (pag146) In the near future during his walks in the mountains, thinks there is a real risk to remain without water ...?

Change even popular sayings. We can still tell us how healthy fish? and .. red ... "-spring; was" good weather ... hopefully?

Finally I renew some questions asked during the presentation of his book in Bergamo:

Why did you choose the publishing house Jaca Book? Only convention or belief?

Earth Earth series that gives a global vision of reality? Obligation for health services? Why the cover of her book shows the framework of Bartolo, just a simple homage to the painter's fellow 400'suo?

Right in the title paradox ? Health impatient because they do not give it time to let the sick body generate its defenses in a natural way without taking the drug immediately ? You feel unique, but certainly not by force of circumstances, Important efficient irreplaceable? God .. She laughs and after my interview?

As the saying Dostoieski if god is dead then everything is possible? Then also the research and the idiocy of perfection ? (the 165) Best regards and ....good health

The debate has centered Bindi Lady politica.La a lot about medicine too politicized? The Director General is appointed by the regional governor, who is appointed on the basis of political preferences. His closest collaborators will occupy the nerve centers of the Local Health System When I intervened to ask instead why the choice of the publisher Earth earth and Black Elk? Convention or belief? I asked her why the cover with the painting of a Sienese painter of the 400 '? In honor of his countryman? Satisfied for the question answered told me to rhyme Because for the 1st time you shoot a sick in bed is another center of the scene I hope not too much at the center because it may lead.. hypochondria.. Honorable soon thanks to His book is about A medicine Sustainable as the plot of my thesis; while the finitude that care follows a little past his last sentences ... The idiocy of perfection
7.2 INTERVIEW Beppe Grillo?

Dear ... I'm a kind of puppet slammed in various courtrooms, more than for my impunity, maybe just too much for my bluntness. Unlike Pinocchio, however, I humbly ask for advice or rather listening to Grillo and despite his age and everything ... I go to school ...Already ... in fact we met in the past etc ... With this paper I approached the "old" sensible cricket ..-almost my age Needless quoting some excerpts of responses that you can find on his website certainly very large (and visited) species with regard to the critical public health. I enclose, however, as to the SigBindi the grid of questions as an excuse or reason to the debate I "served" (bad word)Lord's Cricket to pass some sensitive issues. I'm not capable, and not I can afford it because as a nurse I have had some troubles in the past just because I can not tell lies, and especially because I have always fought against the abuse of drugs and aggressive treatment Fervido convinced of the sustainable medicine and health as a bargaining chip . I consider myself a pinocchio but then again I like to tell lies, also listen to the advice of cricket but also the reality and different and who carries out certain beliefs pay ... It amuses me to hear it every time. Pago laugh but then I feel bad. The awareness of what goes on what really makes you sick better ostriches? I confess that in his last show was very purposeful, in particular about his site, the most visited is unlikely even in the early 10 the incredible world. He justifies the success saying that people trust and says let's see what it says about Grillo . For Grillo all information should be free, as its site that always mentions varied news sources and precise, A little dreamer? You should know that there is always the danger of dichotomies and the information overload resets the knowledge and wishes cricket ... thanks anyway for the laughter which often alone will cure

Cricket is convinced the future of freedom of information travels on the web. I say, however, that there is always the danger of dichotomies of subliminal messages, Also the information is always a conditioning, is also known that too much information will clear knowledge ... I apologize if my arrogance is only

A medicine ... and beyond.. other METHOD’ =More email interview with Mr. Grillo

● We need to invest not only on the environment but also on Sustainable Health agrees?

● Limits, eat paradosso? First he reasoned of a society with scarce resources for certain, today it is talked about a company with means and ends abbandonanti uncertain?

● The resources are at the limit, the future is in medicine and ethics in the economy?

● In Health Care What are the main waste?

● Public health against the so-called “Lombard model”. Private and State is the only alternative?

● What do you think of the proposal of the Minister to make a medical examination (free) to any foreign? And the microchip identity?

● If for a few days had full powers to the Minister of Health decree which emanerebbe? How would you define health?

● Too much medicine today creates the disease? See Illich Father Zanotelli?

● Centralize too the patient is likely to make hypochondriac? Living too much is bad for your health?

● They want to clone odors,even that of manure for too many people's complaints of civil campaign .... In the processes of the university there is a warning : Women wash it unless it is the only natural odor that now we can only agree .....?

● In time, even the anecdotes are transformed. The seasons are not what they used to be, can we say ... fit as a fiddle? The sound is the one who does not yet know to be sick?

● It is true that in 03/04 pharmaceutical companies have lowered the thresholds of 3 the most common diseases in the world occid.: hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes, thus creating, from day to day, some hundreds of millions of “sick” new?

● The oncologist Hamer says that a serious illness like cancer is the attempt of the brain to “repair” a trauma? If true scombussolerebbe each paradigm of conventional medicine ?

● What do you think of Metonymy drug? Powerful subliminal messages that arrive unconscious? Valium (tu pick) Froben( far bene) uniplus sedatol Lipobai Paxil ecc ..

● What do you think about treatment of Ritalin (powerful stimulant cocaine-based) children?

● The children of my generation was a ritual the intervention of the tonsils in 1st grade and appendicitis a few years after. Maybe it was a rite of initiation into a sort of welcome in society ... the medicodipendenza?

● know at urban legends about the research on HIV?

● Before there was the meat ... now my teeth? What does it say free viagra for the elderly? ● It's a denture slogan free for all ?

● Prevention is better than cure? What is the project Quo vadis proposed by Don Raffaele Verzè S?

● Faith can have a placebo effect?

● Not spirit of imitation, or contradiction, but when I hear it I feel less well? It's a good thing this? My discomfort is a sign of intelligence?

● Comedians packed audiences with ministers who speak at conferences empty We pay to hear comedians that make us sick? this too is a sign of intelligence? Awareness? Wisdom? Or are we just suckers ...?

● The comedians as jesters?

● If you had not committed the comedian would do the political comedian? Too much competition ?

● We are all masochists ? Homeopaths? The evil evil care? If you were to make its free shows and talk to people who were struggling to make ends meet, would still so severe in his judgments?

● Ministers, which are combined with Celtic Rite, and claim a church in the valley Then once shit they pull out the roots ( as they were vegetable) Christian and brandish the crucifix. When no one wants me more I turn to the good Jesus? Or is this pure faith ? It is also the search for faith and the idiocy of perfection ?

● We are unique? Luckily? But certainly not efficient irreplaceable important? God .. She laughs and after my interview? ● You define a clandestine public, an optimist apocalyptic, an oxymoron as the title of my thesis : the finitude that care?

● It is useless to deny it ... we are mortal, Also here is the case to say ... luckily?

● She says:if we want to continue to believe in progress, we need to advance the idea of ​​progress. An advanced progress is progress on the contrary that roars whispers ... a bit 'like a poem ?

● In the words of the master Manzi, “It's never too late "?

When I get too serious and talk about important issues, triggered in me as a kind of antibody, and I immediately desire to make fun, I assume is to defuse . After many issues relevant series and some relief. Laughter as therapy and the art of irony in being able to take a little around

I participated in a competition of who was telling the lies bigger here are the first 6 ranked in descending order

• The sixth .... I was told to work in Africa was so hot that the feathers of the hammer bent like ears of a donkey • The fifth .... I was in Russia to work, it was so cold that the words out of her mouth froze. All moving his mouth, but no one felt nothing. During the break at noon, increased a little the temperature , the words emanated, generating one big chaos • The fourth ..... I was in Cream the fog was so thick that I could lean the bike parked • The third ....... I was in Bologna I saw a car that if you put a pig, came out the other side ready salami, you could then try the. If it was good you could put inside the salami and it could suckling pig, with the only difference, that the same came out with a hole due to the tasting made • The second to see me with the crown on the head dall'alloro I mistook for a chicken and burst out laughing ...................... The first was me, I told him .... I 50 years and I'm majoring .. silence ... all the time ... I was born poor and I apologize. I ate bread and shit until yesterday. I did evening classes, even three years together to have the maturity to then graduate nurse always at the same time working hard and. I have read 3 books on the cross and now I'm majoring in 50years .... no .... but I have to rice, in fact I have rewarded ...

It 's so that for the first time in my life I received an award that was not to .... Comfort. Invited to make a speech, I immediately redeemed. I said a little excited careful assembly: do not worry I will not sleep sull'alloro aware that this is not a goal but a starting. But now I have to decide what to do when you grow ... everyone is laughing spanciavano, io pure, even if you do not understand why I was happy.

In my profession as a nurse I might well write a book about the absurd jokes that are generated almost as a reaction in an environment of suffering, but for this it does not seem ethical relate them . I want to mention, however, an incident that I witnessed when I was still a student and therefore without prejudice to professional secrecy. A nurse known for her diligence in making the bed frames in patient rooms before the night, to administer therapies, seeing a grandmother already asleep woke her up saying aloud: "Grandma Grandma Grandma wakes up should take the pill to sleep"38 Scherzi a parte!!! And 'The importance of laughter as therapy. Arise even schools of clown therapy although in truth I am a little skeptical ... just makes me laugh.. not always in pain but glad to see laugh. I trust in the sensitivity and seriousness of the clown.


38 Believe me it is not a joke .... it's no laughing Had it been a medical therapy you can also discuss, but since it is prescribed must be carried out only that the grandmother had treated the sleeping pill only when needed, and awaken the patient to give the drug, thus becomes the emblem of a health care that nobody wants to see. I knew a head nurse that was put in because he thought the half-empty department: for the pleasure that they were all good or displeasure of not being protagonists, even if only by filling D.R.G? or afraid to go in layoffs? Thank god things of the past?Well .... are the schools of Orvieto


Says Dr. Gabriella Mereu 39The disease is an expression that does nothing but reveal in a metaphoric way emotional experience that led to the disease itself.Seeking to defuse the patient and to make people laugh ... using tools such as the analogy ... translate the patient what his unconscious wish to communicate . The terminology used to express the conditions in the official medicine, negates the effectiveness and validity of the “patientese” which is instead a collective language and emotional. Many doctors truncate the patient's speech when he reports his pain and symptoms with those adjectives and expressions that, instead, are very important for me. I always ask the patient to describe his illness as if it were an illiterate. I think there are no diseases, but “disease”. It is nothing more than the expression of an affliction of the patient which is manifested in a different way, both in language and in its physical expression. The condition that a given disease is relentlessly chronic, does nothing but confirm, the unconscious of the patient, its chronicity. While, if the patient does not think more could also heal spontaneously. And, if the analysis and testing to be undergone by the patients did not serve other than to confirm their, through fear – feeling origin of the disease itself – chronicity of it?The therapeutic response is the most beautiful laugh of the patient after that translate its metaphor. Almost always know that he will get. With rice tells me many things: that he felt understood and that he understood the depths of his soul therapy, who has distanced himself from affliction that led to the disease,which sees it as a representation; no longer afraid, but especially,finally, the patient who is having fun while being treated From time immemorial,has always tried to be ironic 40 if only to exorcise the fear, both the disease and death. As reflected in the different dances of death painted in various countries of my province, both birth Alto Adige membership Bergamo


39 Da. Therapy verbal and graphic arts Pisano (Cagliari)2000

40Just arrived in Bolivia to make a volunteer experience, two beautiful girls (sisters) by their father (engineer) invited me to their house for a small party. Only just stammered awkwardly with the language and without a penny, indeed pesos in his pocket ..., I decided to pick up some beautiful flowers, with huge yellow petals, I found the street, just not to introduce myself to the goal hands vuoteArrivato, I opened their father when he saw me he made a strange face, that even now, as I write the memory; but I could not understand why and what it meant. We spent a wonderful afternoon and instead of taking advantage to learn more about their language, I taught them fun, some of mine ... Bergamo. The flowers admire them more than I like to collect them where they are created, but in certain situations I make ... And tears' so that a few days after, strangely still picked some flowers and while I carried them in my room, some guys in my hogar , approaching told me : "You lack the Role igenico?"I felt a little lacking, then when I explained that those flowers, are known because they are used by campesinos after their natural needs .... Now imagine if one day one of your invited presented itself in a fine display with nice big rolls of toilet paper ... we clean the world .... It is none other than the famous Ambrose with chocolates


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